- Rabbit Hole
- Rabbit-Proof Fence
- Rabia
- Race
- Race To Witch Mountain
- Rachel Getting Married
- Raging Bull
- Raid 2, The
- Raid On Entebbe
- Raid, The
- Rails & Ties
- Railway Man, The
- Raise Your Voice
- Raising Cain
- Raising Helen
- Raison Du Plus Faible, La
- Rambo: Extended Cut
- Ramen Girl, The
- Rampage
- Rampart
- Rançon De La Gloire, La
- Rango
- Raoul Servais: Alle Korte Films
- Rapt
- Rapunzel
- Ratatouille
- Raven, The
- Raw Deal
- Ray
- Razor's Edge, The
- Razzia
- Reader, The
- Ready Player One
- Reaping, The
- Rear Window
- Reasonable Doubt
- Rebecca
- Rebound, The
- Rec
- Reclaim
- Recount
- Rec²
- REC³: Genesis
- Red
- Red 2
- Red Baron, The
- Red Cliff
- Red Dog
- Red Eagle, The
- Red Eye
- Red Faction: Origins
- Red Heat
- Red Lights
- Red Mist
- Red Riding Hood
- Red Riding Trilogy, The
- Red Road
- Red Road, seizoen 1, The
- Red Sandra
- Red Sonja
- Red Sonja
- Red State
- Redacted
- Redbelt
- Regarde Les Hommes Tomber
- Régate, La
- Regrets, Les
- Reindeer Games
- Relatos Salvajes
- Religulous
- Remember
- Remember Me
- Reminiscence
- Rendition
- Rent
- Repo Men
- Requiem
- Requiem For A Dream
- Reservation Road
- Reservoir Dogs
- Resident Evil: Afterlife
- Resident Evil: Apocalypse
- Resident Evil: Extinction
- Resident, The
- Resistance
- Restless
- Resurrecting The Champ
- Return To Eden
- Return, The
- Reünie, De
- Reunion, The
- Revanche
- Revenant, The
- Revolutionary Road
- Revolver
- Ricki And The Flash (Blu-ray)
- Ricky
- Ride Along
- Riders Of Justice
- Riding In Cars With Boys
- Rien À Declarer
- Rien De Personnel
- Right Kind Of Wrong, The
- Righteous Kill
- Ring, The
- Rise Of The Guardians
- Rivières Pourpres 2: Les Anges De L'Apocalypse, Les
- Rizzoli & Isles, seizoen 1
- Road, The
- Robert Bresson Box
- Roberta
- Robin Hood
- Robin Hood, seizoen 1-3
- RoboCop
- Robot & Frank
- Robots
- Rock, The
- Rocketman
- RocknRolla
- Rocky Balboa
- Rogue
- Rogue Assassin
- Role Models
- Roman J. Israel, Esq.
- Romance & Cigarettes
- Romantics, The
- Romanzo Criminale, seizoen 1
- Rome: Rise And Fall Of An Empire
- Romy Schneider Collection
- Ronald Goedemondt: Ze Bestaan Echt
- Rookie
- Rookie, The
- Roommate, The
- Rosenstrasse
- Route Irish
- Rover, The
- Roy Andersson Collection
- Rudo Y Cursi
- Ruins, The
- Rum Diary, The
- Rumba
- Rumor Has It...
- Run
- Runaway Jury
- Runaways, The
- Rundskop
- Runner, The
- Running Scared
- Running With Scissors
- Rurouni Kenshin Trilogy
- Rush Hour 3
- RV
- Ryues Don't Apply
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